Clean our Air - Filter the Stacks!
The West Gate Tunnel’s two unfiltered ventilation stacks will pump out harmful pollution from 16,000 trucks each day over inner west communities.
Melbourne’s inner west has some of the highest rates of asthma, lung cancer, stroke and heart disease in Australia - diseases which all have a strong correlation to air pollution. Children in the City of Maribyrnong already have hospital admission rates for respiratory illness 70% above the Victorian average! Promised truck bans may get trucks off our streets – but without filtration we’ll be breathing toxic fumes for decades.
Sign our petition
Please sign our petition, your signature will make our voice louder. This petition calls on the Minister for Environment, Mr Steve Dimopoulos, to allow residents and air pollution/health experts to present new evidence on why the tunnel’s vent stacks should be filtered. This must happen before the EPA issues an operating licence to tunnel operator Transurban. Every health and air quality expert who presented to the original West Gate Tunnel inquiry said that filtration was necessary to improve air pollution and protect health.
Our Protest Rally a huge success!
Our recent protest rally at the Yarraville Gardens was a huge success. We had a crowd of around 150 people and the rally was covered by every free-to-air TV news service! With big thanks to our speakers: Mayor Daria Kellander of Hobson’s Bay City Council, Mayor Pradeep Tiwari of Maribyrnong City Council, Dr Vicki Kotsirilos from Doctors for the Environment and Victorian Upper House MP David Ettershank and a big shout out to the Snuff Puppets for their support.
Watch our Campaign video
Watch and share our campaign video, learn about the 15 countries that do filter their stacks, where our stacks are located and what suburbs will potentially be impacted by the unfiltered air pollution.
Our Campaign in the Media
Our campaign is getting noticed. We’ve had some great coverage:
ABC Radio Melbourne with Raf Epstein
Make a Campaign Donation
A donation will help cover our campaign costs - we have launched this dedicated web site on filtration, had placards and posters printed and purchased material and paint for a rally banner. Also coming soon are postcards for local shops and cafes to help raise the campaign profile.
We would appreciate any amount you can afford to donate.
Your support keeps us going, thank you!